Kotak Penyimpanan Uang Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroller Arduino Uno
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Nopita, Rispa
451 Teknik Elektro 
2023-09-26 16:24:08 
Abstract :
The development of technology is very fast at this time, where at first people still used traditional cash deposit boxes, they changed to using modern methods by utilizing technological advances. In this study, an electronic money storage box based on the Arduino Uno microcontroller was created which can determine the amount of money saved, providing information on the amount of the savings balance. In designing a money deposit box based on the Arduino Uno microcontroller, Arduino Uno is used as the main controller and the TCS3200 sensor to detect colors on banknotes with a nominal value of IDR 10,000, IDR 20,000, IDR 50,000, IDR 100,000 using the color detection method for each type of banknote. Based on the results of tests that have been carried out, this money safe box is able to distinguish and count 4 types of banknotes in rupiah units, and is able to provide information on the amount of savings balances. The tool works quite well according to the planned design while the error in reading the value of paper currency with a value of Rp.10,000 and Rp.100,000 because it has a similar color when read using the TCS3200 sensor, but is still at a normal level with a success percentage above 80%. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis