Analisis Pemakaian Alat Berat Pada Pekerjaan Base Proyek Peningkatan Jalan Bengkalis Prapat Tunggal
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Handayani, Safitri
421 Teknik Sipil 
2023-09-26 11:02:35 
Abstract :
In the implementation of the Bengkalis Prapat Tunggal Road Improvement project, it was very important to use heavy equipment to speed up the process of carrying out work according to predetermined and planned targets. To get work done on a project in a timely and economical manner by using heavy equipment as a tool. The method used to analyze the productivity of heavy equipment work in this study is Permen PU No 11 of 2013. The results obtained from each productivity calculation are from ideal conditions or within an effective time of 8 hours, namely, Wheel Loader 82.17 m3/hour. Dump Trucks 30,110 m3/hour. Motor Grader 60 m3/hour. Vibratory Rollers 136.95 m3/hour. Water Tank 83 m3/hour. Meanwhile, from the results of productivity calculations for real conditions in the field or in real time, 5 hours, namely. Wheel Loaders 50,914 m3/hour. Dump Trucks, 30,396 m3/hour. Motor Grader 29,842 m3/hour. Vibratory Rollers, 71.28 m3/hour. Water Tank, 48 m3/hour. The conclusion above is for the smallest productivity in ideal conditions, namely Dump Truck heavy equipment with a productivity value of 30,110 m3/hour and for Real conditions in the field the smallest productivity is Dump Truck heavy equipment with a productivity value of 30,396 m3/hour. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis