Abstract :
The steering wheel serves to deflect the front wheels of the car so that the direction of the car's path in accordance with the desired by the driver. Because the steering wheel is always used, the steering wheel must be achieved easily without causing fatigue. For this reason, the steering wheel must be light to move it. In order for the steering wheel to be light to move, the direction of the steering motion changes. In the steering wheel, the rotary motion of the steering motion forwarded by the steering rod rod. Converted into longitudinal motion or straight motion. The straight motion is forwarded to the front wheels through the steering
joints. The purpose of this study is to determine the right turning angle and turning radius on the reak stering steering wheel. Tests were conducted as many as 4 using the over streering method. The results of the test obtained the turning angle and turning radius, for the right turn direction obtained a turning angle of 60º and the turning radius is 6.85 meters, while for the left turn angle obtained a turning angle on the gokart steering system, then obtained a turning angle of 60º and the turning radius is 6.7 meters.