Abstract :
This study aims to determine the factors highest and lowest of Job Satisfaction, Employee Productivity and Organizational Commitment in Bank Mandiri Syariah KCP Bengkalis. This study consists of 3 variables, namely Job Satisfaction, Employee Productivity and Organizational Commitment. The number of samples used in this study amounted to 21 respondents using the saturated sample method. The data was collected through a questionnaire. The method used to process and analyze data is descriptive statistics and processing using microsoft.excel. The results of this study indicate that The Job Satisfaction Factor has 9 indicators namely, company policy and administration, supervision, interpersonal relationships with superiors, superior relations with subordinates, relationships with colleagues, salaries, job security, working conditions, status and of the 9 indicators, the indicators for company policy and administration have the highest score, namely 4.68 in the very high category. and the indicator of relationships with colleagues in the very high category has the lowest score, namely 4.29. Employee Productivity Factor has 6 indicators Namely, Ability, Trying to increase the results achieved, Spirit At Work, Self development, Quality, Efficiency, and of the 6 indicators, the selfdevelopment indicator has the highest score, namely 4.46 in the very high category. and the quality indicator has the lowest score of 4.18. The Organizational Commitment factor has 3 indicators namely, Affective commitment, continuous commitment, normative commitment , and of the 3 indicators all indicators have a score of 4.43 which is very high category.