Rancang Bangun Dan Analisa Mesin Ekstrakor Madu Dengan Kontrol Putaran Motor Berbasis Internet Of Thing(Iot)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Hardiansyah, Muhammad Tommy
451 Teknik Elektro 
2021-09-04 23:29:10 
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to design and regulate the speed of an AC motor with the Blynk application to regulate the rotation speed of an Internet Of Thing (IOT). based motor Speed control on the honey extractor using an AC motor enhances the extractor tool which is still manually rotated. It is expected to have a better process efficiency level. The controller uses Blynk to reduce errors, so that the motor rotation can be in accordance with the desired speed. From the results of tests that have been carried out, the rotation speed of this AC motor has a maximum WIFI connection of 25 meters. Starting from 100-1300 RPM, different apparent power values are obtained including: 1300 RPM = 228.59 VA, 1200 RPM = 213.73 VA, 1100 RPM = 202.73 VA. Motor rotation speed is regulated by a dimmer sent via Blynk, the motor is ordered by Blynk by setting the set points according to what we want the motor to receive maximum voltage when the dimmer is set to 100 RPM and will continue to rise with a maximum set point of 1300 RPM. And the smallest speed sensor error is 0.467 % and the biggest error is 3.542 %. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis