Perencanaan Desain Kapal Katamaran Tipe Axe Bow Untuk Wisata Pulau Beting Aceh (Rupat)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Supriyadi, Supriyadi
481 Teknik Perkapalan 
2021-09-05 00:50:48 
Abstract :
The AXE BOW type catamaran is a ship that is used specifically for recreational purposes between Beting Aceh Island, which has two hulls (catamarans). This design aims to obtain data on ax bow type catamaran tourism boats that are suitable for the Aceh shoal island. This design is intended to see a good performance of resistance, stability, weight, and cost calculations. So get a tourist boat that can be used in the waters of Aceh Beting Island (Rupat). In this final project, the calculation of resistance, weight calculation, stability calculation, cost calculation will be carried out. To get the main size of the ship, namely the parent design approach method, namely by finding the main data and passenger capacity for the trip from Rupat Island to Sun Island. And obtained the main data of the ship, L = 12.20 m, B = 4.089 m, H = 1.48 m, T = 0.62 m, then the design process of the landing craft boat using the Maxurft Modeler Advance and the results of the stability of the ship meet the conditions required. shown in the pass statement at each slope angle based on the IMO (International Maritime Organization) Code Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) 1974 standard 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis