Abstract :
This seminar is an activity carried out by Bengkalis State Polytechnic students to help students, the community and business people to start and manage businesses appropriately and creatively. With this seminar, it is hoped that participants have an interest in entrepreneurship. The goal to be achieved in making this final assignment is to find out the report on making the seminar and calculate the costs. The technical aspects of work in carrying out the seminar start from the project preparation stage, project implementation, project completion and project reporting. During this seminar, the committee consisted of 15 people with different duties and responsibilities. This event was attended by 110 participants from various backgrounds.The speaker for this seminar is Andri Saputra or who is familiarly called Andri, who is a professional trainer and public speaker with specific expertise in the field of public speaking & entrepreneurship. Currently serves as Chief Executive Officer of Skill Update (a self-development and creative media agency in Pekanbaru City). Has been trusted to provide training for schools, universities and professional corporate agencies, both inside and outside Riau Province. In carrying out the seminar, the costs incurred were Rp. 3,560,000. This event will be held on October 19th 2023 in the ADM hall on the third floor of the Bengkalis State Polytechnic.