Abstract :
In this study Abu Shells testers using Palm Oil as a substitute for wood charcoal. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of adding oil palm shell ash in the filtering process to the physical characteristics (turbidity, pH, odor and taste) in bore well water in Bantan Air Village. The method used in this research is using the method stacked pipe filtering with 3 (three) 4'' PVC pipes as a filter tool water with the composition of materials in the pipe, namely Palm Shell Ash 30 cm, gravel 30 cm, in the first pipe, for the second pipe 30 cm sand, 30 cm palm fiber, while the third pipe gravel 30 cm, and sand 30 cm, and each layer of filtering material with foam/sponge to limit the material from being mixed. From this test, the examiner took 3 (three) water samples on different days for 1 (one) week and then compared them with unfiltered water samples, so the color and clarity of the water looked different, but the acidity (pH) was reduced from that of the water. not filtered, where the water before being filtered has a pH of 7.77 and the water after being filtered has an average pH of 7.46, and the water discharge before being filtered is 1.5 liters of 17.90 seconds, and the sample after being filtered with 1.5 liter volume 24.78 seconds, second sample 22.51 seconds, third sample 24.82 seconds.