Abstract :
This Project aims to to find out the production activities, marketing and the barriers on the business of Boba Kuys Bengkalis. Data analysis used in this Project is qualitative descriptive analysis.The method of the project begun from preparation, Preparation, Implementation and Accomplishment. The result of the project are to produce boba kuys, the researchers used some materials and equipment used to produce a qualitative boba, such as sugar aren, flour and food dye and flavourings and even used fruits to suit the desired flavours. The marketing strategy and sale of boba kuys in addition to being implemented in a fixed stand, namely at the Stadiun Panglima Minal Bengkalis, the sale is also done by following events such as CFN/CFD. The barriers in production of boba cookies is the ability of the seller to produce boba that is quality according to the customer's demands. In terms of marketing, the constraints that we face are price competition, location, service and brand image issues that are still unrecognized by the public.