Abstract :
E-commerce has now spread worldwide, including in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the countries with the fastest growth in e-commerce, with the number of internet users continuously increasing from year to year. Every ecommerce platform utilizes unique methods to interact with their customers. Some have their own Ai chatbots and others personally respond to their customer?s concerns. Including shopee, Shopee has integrated AI-powered chatbots into their customer service system to handle customer inquiries, complaints, and assistance requests. In this study, researcher analyzed the effect of customer service through ai-powered chatbot on shopee for customer satisfaction among generation-z. This study uses a quantitative method using a non- probability sampling method with purposive sampling. The sample in this study was 100 respondent?s, data processing used the IBM SPSS version 25 application with simple linear regression analysis testing which included validity tests, reliability tests, T-tests, F tests, and the coefficient of determination (R2). The results of this study indicate that: 1. customer service through Aipowered chatbot simultaneously have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. 2. The result of the calculation of R square value or the coefficient of determination is 0.840. This means that the variables of Customer service through Ai-Powered Chatbot variable can affect the customer satisfaction variable by 84% and the remaining 16 % is explained by other variables that affect customer satisfaction outside of this study.