Pengaruh Variasi Viskositas Terhadap Laju Aliran Pipa Pada Unit Pre-Heating PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia Menggunakan Aplikasi Software Ansys
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Aqil, Muhammad Dzaky
431 Teknik Mesin (dan Ilmu Permesinan Lain) 
2024-08-14 01:42:53 
Abstract :
This study analyzes the effect of viscosity variation on pipe flow rate in the pre-heating unit at PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia using ansys software. The objectives are to determine fluid pressure based on viscosity and temperature and to measure pressure and flow rate using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) simulations. The CFD method was employed to analyze fluid flow in detail. The results indicate that, according to Bernoulli's principle, an increase in fluid velocity results in a decrease in pressure. However, other factors such as viscosity also influence the final outcome. Based on Bernoulli's principle, the optimal viscosity is 19 cSt. Nevertheless, in practical applications, a viscosity of 34 cSt is used due to other considerations. The conclusion of this study is that using ansys Fluent for simulating fluid flow in pipes provides results that meet analysis requirements. The pressure and mass flux at a viscosity of 34 cSt achieved the highest average simulation results, whereas a viscosity of 19 cSt achieved the lowest average simulation results. Although there are average value differences for each viscosity, these differences are not significant and remain within the normal distribution. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis