Penerapan Digital Marketing Pada Produk Buah Asam Paya Umkm Gerai Oleh-Oleh Pancur Jaya (GOPJ) Di Kecamatan Rupat Kabupaten Bengkalis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Evi, Evi
574 Pemasaran 
2024-08-22 14:45:07 
Abstract :
Asam Paya fruit is a type of forest salak processed by UMKM Gerai Oleh-oleh Pancur Jaya into several products that can be marketed offline and online with the help of digital marketing. Digital Marketing is something that is no longer foreign today, many business actors market their products digitally, with the reason that the application of digital marketing in marketing can increase product sales. This digital marketing implementation project aims to analyze how to apply digital marketing to asam paya fruit products produced by Gerai Oleh-oleh Pancur Jaya and to analyze the obstacles and solutions faced during the implementation of the digital marketing implementation project on asam paya fruit products. UMKM Gerai Oleh-oleh Pancur Jaya uses digital marketing as a medium to market and promote its products by utilizing social media Instagram business, WhatsApp business, Facebook business and Facebook market place to communicate with consumers. The result of this project is an increase in business turnover and more consumers are starting to know about the existence of this business, thus making the market reach of this business even wider. However, obstacles still arise that UMKM face in implementing digital marketing, including unstable internet connections, lack of human resources, lack of understanding of social media, and increasingly tight competition between UMKM. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis