Abstract :
This research aims to determine the application of accountability, credibility and transparency in increasing muzakki interest in paying zakat at the Bengkalis Regency National Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS) along with the obstacles faced. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive analysis with primary data obtained from interviews with zakat managers at BAZNAS Bengkalis Regency and secondary data obtained from other supporting documents. The research results show that the implementation of accountability carried out by BAZNAS Bengkalis Regency is in accordance with applicable regulations. The application of credibility carried out by BAZNAS Bengkalis Regency, namely BAZNAS Bengkalis Regency, has demonstrated the credibility of human resources through competence, integrity and transparency in their duties. on credibility in management and credibility in facilities and infrastructure. BAZNAS has improved physical facilities and made good use of information technology. The implementation of transparency carried out by BAZNAS Bengkalis Regency in increasing muzakki's interest in paying zakat is in accordance with applicable regulations. The obstacles to implementing accountability, credibility and transparency carried out by BAZNAS Bengkalis Regency are low public awareness of the importance of zakat, complexity in the zakat transaction recording system, limited human and financial resources, and economic uncertainty which affects the distribution of zakat.