Abstract :
This study aims to determine the feasibility of BUMDES Kuala Alam Bandar Jaya Jasa Kuala Sejahtera Unit and what are the inhibiting factors for the feasibility of the business. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. In this study, interview and observation techniques were used to collect data. The study on the Jasa Kuala Sejahtera Unit was seen from the aspects of the market and marketing, management/organizational aspects, legal aspects, socio-economic aspects and financial aspects and what factors inhibit the feasibility of the business. According to the research results and conclusions, from the market and marketing aspects, management/organizational aspects, legal aspects are very feasible to run because they have met the assessment criteria of several indicators. For the economic social aspect, it cannot be said to be feasible to run because socially it has not had an impact on the community, especially the Kuala Alam Village community and the financial aspect is not feasible to run because the Payback Period is 5 Years 6 Months 5 Days, Net Present Value <0 with a value of -60,848,781, Profitability Index <1 with a value of 0.188 and the inhibiting factors for the feasibility of the business at BUMDES Kuala Alam Jasa Kuala Sejahtera unit are limited capital participation, lack of expanding market share and poor financial management.