Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of the Human Development Index on Economic Growth in the Meranti Islands Regency. The data used are secondary data with a cross section including one year data in the Meranti Islands Regency on each variable used. This secondary data comes from the Central Bureau of Statistics Kepualaun Meranti Regency The data analysis method used in this research isquantitative method with data analysis and Multiple Linear regression analysis using SPSS. In The independent variable model used is the Temporary Human Development Index the dependent variable is economic growth. A constant of 366,319 means that if the indicators for the level of education, health, and income per capita are not there, the value of economic growth is 366,319. The variable regression coefficient (X1) for education is -1.618, which means that if the variable level of education is increased by 1 unit, the economic growth will decrease by 1.618. Economic growth will decrease by -5,531. The regression coefficient of Per capita Income (X3) is 0.004, which means that if the variable per capita income variable is increased by 1 unit, economic growth will increase by 0.004. The coefficient is positive, meaning that there is a direct relationship between the variable per capita income and Economic Growth. This means that the higher theincome per capita, the increase in the economic growth of the Meranti Islands Regency will increase.