Abstract :
Monitoring of Maintenance and Equipment Requests at PT. WahanaKarsa Swandiri is the process of monitoring the condition of equipment and submitting equipment requests. This maintenance monitoring process is carried out to determine the status or condition of equipment, such as whether it is in good condition, slightly damaged, or severely damaged. The problem often encountered is that monitoring maintenance and equipment requests are still done manually by visiting each room and recording the equipment by hand on paper, making the management process complicated.Based on these issues, a "Web-Based Equipment Maintenance and Request Monitoring Application. Case Study of PT Wahanakarsa Swandiri" is proposed. The existence of this monitoring application can assist the Head of IT in providing accurate information. The test results show that the application can run well, using Telegram's features as a solution to facilitate the equipment request process by using the bot's notification feature to confirm that the request has been completed. The web-based equipment maintenance and request monitoring application is built using PHP programming language, MySQL, and XAMPP as the localhost.