Waterfront City Based 3d Animation Modeling Of The Estuary Area Of The Bengkalis River (Case Study Of The Bengkalis River Estuary)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Amin, M Arif Al
421 Teknik Sipil 
2021-03-22 09:26:45 
Abstract :
The existence of Bengkalis Island which is surrounded by straits makes this island flowed by many rivers, one of which is the Bengkalis river which is located in Kelurhan Rimba Sekampung, Bengkalis District, Bengkalis Regency. The condition of the Bengkalis estuary at this time has not been well organized and utilized. By looking at these problems, it is necessary to model the arrangement of the Bengkalis river estuary area, in order to optimize the area of the Bengkalis river estuary as a tourist attraction by utilizing public space. Therefore, in this final project, the writer will be modeling the waterfront city-based Bengkalis river estuary. With the final result expected is to provide an idea of the waterfront city-based modeling of the Bengkalis river estuary area. Through the application of the final results of the modeling into a 3D animated video form the edge of the Bengkalis river estuary. So that with the modeling of the Bengkalis river estuary area, it is hoped that it can become a reference in improving the condition of the river estuary that has not been ordered. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis