Perencanaan Kapal Penumpang bengkalis – Pekanbaru
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Wahyudi, Jihan
481 Teknik Perkapalan 
2021-09-11 12:22:25 
Abstract :
The distance between the city of Bengkalis and the provincial capital (Pekanbaru) is 173 km. To reach the provincial capital (Pekanbaru) or mainland Riau, two transportation routes can be used, namely the land route and the sea route. Where the Bengkalis people generally use ro-ro, they must first cross from Bengkalis to Pakning in approximately 40-50 minutes. As is known, the ship to the area has been stopped, for that we need a fast and safe ship. In carrying out this research, several stages of design were carried out, namely making line plans, general plans, selecting the main motor based on the results of calculating the motor power according to the obstacles experienced. The design of this passenger ship uses the comparison method. This design process refers to the ships ?Mulia Kencana, Alita Ekspress and Terubuk Ekspress? as comparison ships. The design of this ship is also taken into account both technically and economically. The main size of the ship obtained is Lpp = 19.48 m, B = 5.2 m, T = 1.38 m, H = 2.17 m, Vs = 20.44 m. From the main dimensions, a line plan and general plan of the ship are made. This ship uses an Inboard planting engine with a power output of 1100 HP and has a DWT of 0.098 tons. Based on the results of the analysis, the resistance value is 79,838 kN at Vmax of 23 knots. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis