Abstract :
As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has a very broad maritime sovereignty. The marine landscape in Indonesia itself includes the oceans, lakes, and rivers in Indonesia. Several rivers in Indonesia require a means of transportation to support the life of the local community. One area that uses a lot of river transportation is the Perawang area, which is drained by the Siak river. With the design of this ship so that it can be used for crossing from Pinang Sebatang village to East Pinang Sebatang. In the implementation of this research, several planning stages were carried out, namely making line plans, general plans and making 3D modeling designs using maxsurf. To get the main size of the ship by using the parent design approach method, namely by looking for comparison ship data, then the main size of the ship is obtained, LPP = 16 m, B = 5.17 m, H = 1.56 m, T = 0.41 m. Furthermore, the River Landing Craft ship design process uses the Maxsurf Modeler Advance and the results of the ship's stability meet the conditions shown in the pass statement at each tilt angle based on the 1974 IMO (International Maritime Organization) Code Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) standard.