Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the quality of E-Responsiveness services on customer satisfaction at Bank BSI Kcp Duri Hangtuah 1. Research using quantitative data types. This type of research is associative research where service quality is the independent variable and customer satisfaction is the dependent variable. The population in this study were all customers of Bank BSI Kcp Duri Hangtuah 1 with a sample of 100 customers. Sampling was carried out using non-probability sampling techniques. The data collection technique was carried out by questionnaire. The data analysis used is correlation technique and simple regression analysis technique using SPSS 20 application. From the results of respondents' responses to the E-Responsiveness variable, there were ten with an average value of 4.50 which was classified in the very high category. The results of respondents' responses to customer satisfaction variables were ten statements with an average value of 4.00 classified in the very high category. From the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the quality of E-Responsiveness services has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. E-Responsiveness service quality has a proportion of influence on customer satisfaction of 43.5% and the remaining 56.5% is influenced by other variables not included in this study.