Abstract :
This research is entitled factord that affect non-performing loans in village economic savings and loans (UED SP) in the village of ketam putih jaya. Bad credit is influenced by internal and external factors, with internal factors in the form of inaccurate analysis, collusion and analysis, and external factors in the form of decreasing economic factors, bankrupt debtor?s business, character bad debtors and accidents that befell debtors This study aims to determine the factors that affect non-performing loans at UED SP in Ketam Putih Jaya Village and dominant factors that affect non-performings loans. The type of research used is observational by distributing questionnaires to 28 respondents using nomprobability sampling with saturated samples This research shows that internal factors d ith the analysis indicator is less precise, it gets a mean score of 4.11 classified in the high class and the presence of collusion from the analysis party gets a mean score of 3.88 classified in the high class while external factors with indicators of decreasing economic factors get a mean chord of 4.46 classified in very high class, the indicator of the bankrupt debtor?s business gets a score of 3.75 classified in high class, the character of the bad debtor gets a mean score of 3.75 classified as high class, and the indicators of the disaster that befell the debtor gets a mean score of 482 classified in very high class So the most dominant factor that affects non-performing at UED SP Ketam Putih Jaya is a disaster that befell the acer debtor