Abstract :
This study aims to determine how passenger services using the Boarding pass system at the BP Batam port passenger terminal. obstacles faced and efforts to overcome obstacles when using the service system using Boarding passes so that research is more focused and focused. This research uses a Qualitative method by describing in detail how passenger services with Boarding passes to fulfill the SOP at the BP Batam Domestic Terminal. data collection was carried out by direct observation (observation), documentation and interviews. the place of this research was carried out at BP Batam. The result of this research is passenger service with boarding pass diterminal domestic BP Batam. running well but not maximized characterized by obstacles in boarding pass activities. This research has been conducted at BP Batam. The results showed that passenger service with boarding pass has not been maximized, mainly due to the less than optimal condition of equipment, time management, and ineffective resources. Other constraints include limited technology and lack of training for workers.