Peninjauan Ulang Struktur Bawah Pilar Dengan Pondasi Bored Pile Pada Pembangunan Fly Over Simpang Ska
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Melisa, Melisa
421 Teknik Sipil 
2021-03-23 10:45:36 
Abstract :
Foundation is an important job in civil engineering because foundation that bears and hold a construction burden on. In the construction of foundation SKA?s intersection fly over foundation, the foundation will channel the stresses that occur at top of the structure load into the hard soil layer so an accurate calculation is needed when planning the foundation work, therefore its necessary to review the lower structure. Review of a lower structure is planned using SPT data by calculating the carrying capacity value of single pile and group pile by using the O'Neil & Reese (1989), Coyle & Castello (1981) and Reese & Wright methods. the data collection method is secondary data collection obtained directly from project. Carrying capacity calculation based on SPT data using O?neil & Reese Qu method = 2421.85 tons and the Coyle & Castello Qu method = 2489.55 tons, the Reese & Wright Qu method = 2485.47 tons, and the axial carrying capacity based on the strength of the Qu material = 845.18 tons. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis