Kuat Tekuk Drainase Beton Pracetak Mutu Fc’ 17 Mpa
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Rianty, Dian
421 Teknik Sipil 
2021-09-16 15:46:54 
Abstract :
In general, drainage uses masonry and reinforced concrete construction which is done manually. The implementation of masonry drainage really takes a long time and is exhausting, and now it is very difficult to find people who want to make bricks. Therefore, precast concrete drainage is needed to overcome these problems, and also reduce the use of bricks to make it more economical.The purpose of this research is to make precast concrete with sizes that are easy to work with when working in the field, with sizes made based on the case study of Jalan Scout gg. Hj ramlah with dimensions of 50 cm long, 26 wide, 26 cm high and 3 cm thick. The method used for testing the buckling strength of this drainage is using the JIS 5345 method. For this test only a hydraulic jack is used. 7 days and 28 days.This research was conducted on Indonesian precast U-Ditch, samples 1 to samples 6, each having dimensions of 3cm thick, 26 cm wide and 26 cm high, with an average weight of 30,74 kg. The test results show that on average, the bending moment capacity per weight per m? of U-Ditch precast concrete samples 1 to samples 6 is 4,96 kN. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis