Perencanaan Dan Pembuatan Usaha Olahan Pare Menjadi Keripik Yang Enak (Tinjauan Aspek Produksi)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Pangestu, Gilang Aryo
571 Manajemen 
2021-09-11 13:24:44 
Abstract :
This final project aims to determine the raw materials for producing delicious bitter melon chips, the production process in this project is a continuous process, while the total cost of production is the cost of production of bitter melon chips known for the total sub total cost of production in the Delicious Pare Chips business, which is equal to Rp. 3.859,- which is obtained from adding the Sub Total Raw Material Cost Rp. 58.000, - divided by the number of Delicious Pare Chips produced for 1 time of production, which is 16 packs so that the production price is Rp. 3.859,- for per pack of Delicious Pare Chips. The problem faced is the amount of oil in the bitter gourd as a result of the long frying process, while the solution to this problem is to drain the bitter melon with a special oil tissue for 1 hour. The implementation method in implementing this project consists of project preparation plan, project implementation plan, project completion plan and project reporting plan. The result of this project is the composition of raw materials in the production of delicious pare chips consisting of rice flour, tapioca flour, cornstarch, bitter melon, garlic, candlenut, coriander, salt and cooking oil. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis