Prosedur Bongkar Muat Kendaraan Di Dermaga 1 Air Putih Oleh Pt Jembatan Nusantara Cabang Bengkalis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Aditio, Rifvaldy
484 Teknik Kelautan dan Ilmu Kelautan 
2021-10-11 14:57:55 
Abstract :
The main activity at the port cannot be separated from loading and unloading services. In this case PT Nusantara Bridge is one of the crossings, where loading and unloading procedures will be carried out at the pier and other activities in the port area. The main topic of this proposal is explaining the loading and unloading procedures of vehicles at the port of Air Putih Bengkalis Ro-Ro Ship, Many things must be considered in carrying out vehicle loading and unloading activities, To be able to provide excellent service, companies must maintain safe and safe vehicle loading and unloading services. fast. The purpose of this study is to determine the loading and unloading procedures for Ro-Ro vessels, targets and achievement of loading and unloading procedures for Ro-Ro vessels in 2020-2021. The method used is observation and interviews.The results show that during the period 2020 to 2021 the results of the loading and unloading procedures for Ro-Ro ships. Ro shows that not all of the targets set by the company are achieved, one of which is when monitoring activities in the port area, besides that, to fulfill the activities there are also facilities to support the loading and unloading activities, the procedure for loading and unloading vehicles is very much needed in this case, both in port and ship loading activities, when carrying out loading and unloading activities, there are many procedures that are precise in advance with the cargo to be loaded or what type of vehicle will be loaded from the port from the field working or how to predict the cargo to be loaded on board as is the case with four wheeled vehicles t, 6-wheeled vehicles, and two or three-wheeled vehicles to avoid problems or unwanted things when carrying out loading and unloading activities on the Ro-Ro ship. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis