Geometric Evaluation Of The Road (Case Study: Kelemantanvillage Road - Palkun Village, Bengkalis District)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Alfayed, Mhd. Jody
421 Teknik Sipil 
2021-03-24 10:55:10 
Abstract :
The regency road that exists between Kelemantan Village and Palkun Village has a type of pavement in the form of class B aggregate, the road will be constructed with a rigid pavement. In order for road works to be in accordance with the standards, it is necessary to evaluate the geometric conditions of the road, especially at several corners as well as visibility and pavement widening.This geometric evaluation uses the 1997 TPGJAK Method where the geometric shape of the road will adjust to the class and its function, namely the Class III Collector road, so that the resulting geometric road will provide smoothness, safety, and comfort for road users. Based on this evaluation, the existing road length condition is known that the road has a terrain classification as a flat area, a planned speed of 50 km/h and a road width of 6 meters. There are 6 bends with different types of bends. From the results of the analysis and calculation on this road obtained bends 1 and 2 have the type (S-C-S), while the bends 3,4,5,6 with the type (S-S).Superelevation at bend 1 (5.7%), bend 2 (2.0%), bend 3 (17.0%), bend 4 (15.2%), bend 5 (25.2%),bend 6 ( 19.3), and widening for bend 1 as wide as 2 m, bend 2 as wide as 1.35 m, bend 3 with width 4 m, bend 4 as wide as 2 m, bend 5 with 4 m, and bend 6 with widening 4 m. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis