Aplikasi Penyediaan Jasa Bantu Administrasi Guru Berbasis Website
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Barokah, Siti
458 Teknik Informatika 
2021-09-14 09:52:51 
Abstract :
Currently, teachers have a lot of administration to do in addition to their duties as educators. Such as typing learning tools (RPP, Learning Syllabus, Semester Programs, Annual Programs, KKM, Question Banks and Question Books) as well as making learning videos. Therefore, teachers need someone who can help ease the task they have to do. In this modern era, every teacher who wants to find someone who can help him still uses manual techniques such as asking the closest people and relatives about someone who can help him in facilitating his task. The teacher should also visit any places or people that have been recommended previously. So based on the current problems, this research has built an application for providing website-based teacher administration assistance services. This application is equipped with login and registration features as partners and customers, Chat Direct Via Whatsapp feature, chat features from the application, print and export pdf order reports and view the work being done by partners. Application testing is done by testing every feature on the system and has been tested on 3 partners, 3 customers and 1 admin. The results of the trial of this application indicate that the ordering process and payment for teacher administrative assistance services will be more efficient and can be more easily used by customers and partners. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis