Desain Dan Pembuatan Turbin Vortex 8 Sudu Head Rendah Dengan Kemiringan Optimal
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Aula, Firdaus
709 Desain Produk 
2021-09-22 08:33:58 
Abstract :
Indonesia is a country that is rich in renewable energy potential. One of the energy that is very easy to find in Indonesia is water resources. So that water turbines are prioritized over wind turbines because the wind in Indonesia is relatively less stable. In Bengkalis, there are many low head water resources, the location of which is in PT Meskom Agro Sarimas, Pangkalan Batang village. Vortex turbine that uses a whirlpool to drive the blades, preparing the dam, the function of the dam so that the water that comes out is directed towards the Turbulent Hydro / water reservoir, the function of the water reservoir, so that the water cycle rotates and makes the turbine spin, so the author uses the rotation of the water to rotate the turbine, so that the turbine can move constantly. After the turbine moves or rotates, to turn the generator. The results of the study obtained that the highest voltage when not step up was obtained 9 V, and the lowest voltage was 4 V . And after Step up got the highest voltage 68 V, the lowest voltage 26 V. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis