Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT) Melalui E-Warung Di Kecamatan Bengkalis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Putri, Sekarayu
562 Akuntansi 
2021-09-18 12:47:46 
Abstract :
This study aims to determine the implementation of the Non- Cash Food Assistance Program (BPNT) through e- shops , what are the obstacles in implementing BPNT, and what are the efforts of the Social Service in handling problems that occur in the implementation of the BPNT program through e- shops in the District. Bengkalis . The type of data used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach . The research data was obtained from the Bengkalis District Social Service . Data collection techniques in this study are interviews , documentation and observation . Results of the research were obtained , namely Implementation Program Food Aid in Kind (BPNT) Through Electronic Shop (e- shop ) in the District of Bengkalis parties were involved in the Department of Social , Bank BNI, Bulog , and team coordination others have been doing the implementation of the mechanism of distribution which is quite good . The mechanism for distributing Non- Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) is carried out through 4 stages, namely : registration or account opening , education and socialization , distribution , and purchase of goods . Program Aid Food Non- Cash in the District of Bengkalis itself there are two kinds , namely BPNT Center and BPNT Autonomous . For the recipients of the Central BPNT in Bengkalis District as many as 3923 KK and 2258 KK Autonomous BPNT . The factors inhibiting the mechanism panyaluran BPNT in District of Bengkalis there are some constraints , namely the problem of data prospective recipients and error in Card Family Welfare (PSC) at the time of the transaction balance is zero and the card is damaged / broken and the problems are also found in the lack of understanding of the prospective recipient of aid and the agent 46 / e- shop on the distribution of BPNT this . 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis