Prosedur Kegiatan Bongkar Muat Petikemas Di Pt.Pelindo 1 Cabang Pekanbaru
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Arianto, Wahyu
484 Teknik Kelautan dan Ilmu Kelautan 
2021-09-21 13:06:11 
Abstract :
The problem in my final project research is related to several obstacles in the procedure for loading and unloading containers at PT. Pelindo 1 Pekanbaru Branch, as for the purpose of this study to determine the obstacles faced in the implementation of container loading and unloading activities at PT. Pelindo 1 Pekanbaru Branch, to find out the efforts made by PT. Pelindo 1 Pekanbaru Branch in providing maximum service in container loading and unloading activities. The method used for data collection is the method of observation and interviews, when this research was carried out from April to August 2021. The results of this study were that the loading and unloading activity procedures at PT. Pelindo 1 Pekanbaru Branch has not been running well because there are several obstacles, such as frequent damage to loading and unloading equipment, lack of disciplined human resources, and lack of adequate tools for excess weight of goods resulting in delays in the loading and unloading process of containers. Efforts made by PT. Pelindo 1 Pekanbaru Branch is to carry out regular maintenance of tools so that all tools are in good condition when used, provide direction to loading and unloading workers about work discipline, the company is in the process of bringing in and adding adequate tools. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis