Prosedur Pergantian Awak Kapal Di Pt. Wasaka Indonesia Jaya
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Syahir, Muhamad
571 Manajemen 
2021-09-22 08:50:31 
Abstract :
This final project aims to determine the procedure for changing crew at PT. Wasaka Indonesia Jaya, to find out what obstacles occurred during the change of crew members. The research that will be carried out using data collection methods include observation, interviews, and documentation. This research was conducted for three months from April to August 2021. The results of this study indicate the procedure for changing the crew starting with the request of the crew to the ship owner, preparation of the crew, sending CPD (crew personal data) to the ship owner, preparation and archiving of documents, the last stage of changing the crew and knowing some of the obstacles in carrying out the change. crew at PT. Wasaka Indonesia Jaya such as, sudden requests for crew members due to time constraints to prepare crew documents, control waiting lists for ships that are not tidy because they rarely update data by company managers, archiving is still with a filing cabinet and cardboard system which makes archiving activities become difficult. ineffective and efficient. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis