Perancangan Tebal Perkerasan Kaku (Rigid Pavement) Menggunakan Metode Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan Revisi September 2017 (Studi Kasus : Jalan Soebrantas , Desa Sei Injab – Kelurahan Terkul, Kecamatan Rupat, Kabupaten Bengkalis)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Aziz, M. Al-Ghifari
421 Teknik Sipil 
2021-10-14 08:26:26 
Abstract :
Jalan Soebrantas is road located in Terkul Sub-district, Jalan Soebrantas has now been filled with base B, now its condition has damaged in the form of large holes because the landfill was carried out several years ago. Therefore, it is necessary to plan a pavement thickness and a budget plan. The method used to calculate the thickness of the pavement is the 2017 Pavement Design Manual, while for the budget it uses HSP Bengkalis 2020.The condition of the road pothole because vehicles load. Therefore it is necessary good planning to get results. desired pavement use the 2017 road pavement design manual method with design for 40 years and the CBR value of 6.3%m. the obtained grade B foundation layer is 300 mm thick, class A foundation layer is 125 mm and rigid pavement 195 mm thick concrete K-300 kg/cm².plan use Conjoined Concrete with Reinforcement (BBDT), welded wiremesh, longitudinal reinforcement use diameter 8 mm a distance of 200 mm and transverse reinforcement use diameter of 8 mm and 250 mm distance and use tie bars with a diameter 12 mm, a length 600 mm, the distance between the tie bars 750 mm and use the tie bar holder for plain reinforcing steel with a diameter 8 mm the main reinforcement with a length of 4 m totaling 4 rods and begel with a diameter 6 mm with a length of 420 mm placed according to the distance the tie bar Based on this rigid pavement design, as big as Rp. 8.567.700.000 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis