Penjernihan Air Metode Filterisasi Pipa Bersusun Menggunakan Bahan Sesai Sebagai Pengganti Arang Kayu
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Kurniawan, Wahyu
421 Teknik Sipil 
2021-10-11 15:36:26 
Abstract :
Bengkalis Island which consists of Bengkalis and Bantan sub-districts for its coastal areas, there are still water problems where it is difficult to get clean water for daily needs. This is because the existing dug wells contain elements of salt so they cannot be used optimally for bathing, washing and latrine needs. Coastal Pambang Village, based on the results of a survey of the community regarding water needs and problems that had been carried out previously that the coastal mining community averaged 75% taking bore well water as the main water source with a depth of ± 80 M, while artesian wells dug 25%. Generally, people in coastal Pambang Villages prefer to use Drilled Well Water as a water source, but from interviews with people in coastal areas, they still do not get clear water quality so efforts need to be made to improve the quality of bore well water. One of the efforts made to improve water quality is the filtering method using natural materials such as sand, gravel, rocks, palm fiber, charcoal and others. In the coastal mining area, there are many Sesais where it is known that Sesai can be used as material for water purification, where the borehole water before filtering (pH 6) is acidic, and after filtering it changes (pH 7) is neutral. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis