Rancang Bangun Alat Pembersih Udara Dalam Ruangan Dapur Berbasis Arduino Uno
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Simamora, Stevan Vinsensius
452 Teknik Tenaga Elektrik 
2021-09-28 14:37:46 
Abstract :
In today's modern era, humans need LPG for daily cooking activities, because its use is more practical and efficient. On the other hand, if a leak occurs, the harmful impact of LPG is very dangerous because it can cause explosions and fires. Cooking in the kitchen will also produce too much smoke, which affects human respiration and health, especially in an unventilated kitchen, therefore a device is needed to filter the smell of smoke or gas to prevent leakage. Based on the above background, the author will design a tool to filter smoke or gas automatically in a kitchen room equipped with a fire detector. This tool is designed to detect gas and smoke in cooking activities in the kitchen (in case of gas leakage). This smoke and gas filter will automatically give a warning through a buzzer alarm, and immediately take countermeasures through a smoke filter. This tool uses hardware, namely Arduino Uno as the main control, with an MQ-2 sensor to detect LPG gas and smoke. The purpose of making this tool is to help solve some of the problems that exist in everyday life, especially for people who use LPG gas as a means of daily cooking activities for kitchen activities. This tool can sterilize smoke in the kitchen, and can also provide more security to detect gas leaks or fires that may occur at any time. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis