Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Hybrid Di Desa Penawar Laut Kecamatan Bantan (Analisa Pengontrolan Photovoltaic Otomatis)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Fazli, Muhammad
451 Teknik Elektro 
2021-09-30 13:58:41 
Abstract :
There is a fishing pier in the Bantan sub-district which is quite crowded from morning to night. However, there are obstacles, especially in lighting problems, then a Hydro Power Plant (PLTH) is made but the output is not maximal, therefore there is a hybrid generator as an addition and uses solar cell tracking so that the output is maximized. The existence of photovoltaic to help distribute to the battery, if at night the solar panel does not work, for that battery charging functions so that the load remains maximally alive at night then it is replaced with a Hydro Power Plant (PLTH), a turbine that drives a DC generator and charges the battery will be distributed to the load with the maximum output issued. This test was carried out for six consecutive days. The highest average voltage produced in the test is 13.93 volts, while the highest average current is produced in the test, which is 8.52 amperes, and the highest average power is also in the test, which is 96.6 watts. In addition, with the addition of a hybrid generator control, the photovoltaic will move automatically, when using the control at 11.00 WIB the PV voltage is 13.4 V with a current of 1.9 A and the battery voltage is 11.69 V, while without control at 11.00 WIB, the PV voltage is 13. 0.0 V with a current of 1.5 A PV photovoltaic conditions are still 35 o and battery voltage 11.60 V. For the duration of the use of DC lamp loads starting at 17.00 WIB until 04.00 WIB (12 hours). 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis