Rancang Bangun Dan Analisa Pltmh Menggunakan Turbin Ulir
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Sumarna, Arfan Hadi
452 Teknik Tenaga Elektrik 
2021-05-18 10:33:28 
Abstract :
Hydroelectric power (PLTA) is a generator that controls the potential and kinetic energy of water to produce electrical energy. The screw turbine works because of the difference in force between each blade. This turbine can be utilized in river flow at a speed without having to take up a lot of space and this turbine is able to obtain a high enough power coefficient in water flow. The screw turbine consists of three main parts,namely: plate, shaft and blade. Direct current generators have basic components which are generally almost the same as the components of other electric machines. Broadly speaking, a direct current generator is a mechanical energy conversion device in the form of rotation into alternating current electrical energy. Mechanical energy is used to rotate the coil of conductor in a magnetic field, So that it can produce electrical energy 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis