Perancangan Desain Gedung Direktorat Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Alfarizi, Haris
421 Teknik Sipil 
2021-11-15 08:31:35 
Abstract :
In general, each campus has a Directorate Building as the center for higher education management. In this building, all campus activities are planned, directed and controlled by campus management in an academic field that work together to achieve a certain vision. The rector also has the highest function in a campus, because there are campus leaders (directors) and their staff, so that the design of the Directorate building must be well planned, and meet the elements of comfort, security and visual beauty of a building. The method used in this final project uses qualitative analysis which will be described descriptively about the design concepts that will be designed to make it easier to design 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional image designs. The results of the design in this design have met the criteria for an effective and targeted design that has a modern look and contains cultural elements, namely tanjak and educational elements in the form of books in it. So that the design of the image can be a reference in the construction of the rectorate building in the future. 
Institution Info

Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis