Evaluasi Penyebab Kerusakan Jalan Pada Perkerasan Jalan Lentur
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Wahyuni, Nanda Sri
421 Teknik Sipil 
2021-10-12 13:47:25 
Abstract :
Parit Tugu street is one of the roads that received a budget for construction. However, before reaching the age of design, some parts of the road have been damaged. From the conditions, the planner was interested in evaluating the crucial damage on that road. Therefore the purpose is to determine the type of road damage, the causes of damage, and the estimate of the engineer. The planning of road pavement by using the MDPJ 2017 method to plan the road pavement that will be compare based on existing conditions. The result of this planning indicates that the type of road damage was dominated by transverse cracks and there are differences between the pavement thickness by using the MDPJ 2017 method and the existing condition in parit tugu whereas the existing condition does not have an AC-Base layer, LFA Class A, and hoarded ground thickness still lacking. Those are the factors of road damage in the existing condition. The estimate of engineers in this plan by using the MDPJ 2017 method is Rp 21.823.595.065. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis