Analisa dan Rancang Bangun Prototype Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Limbah Sagu Menggunakan Boost Converter
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Juliandika, Ferdi
451 Teknik Elektro 
2021-10-11 15:51:54 
Abstract :
One of the causes of the energy crisis or the unequal supply of electrical energy for people especially in the territory of Indonesia. The distribution of electrical energy will be easy to do in a place that is close to the generator or in a public place that is easily accessible. owever, distribution will be difficult if the location is far and not easily accessible, such as the coast, especially in remote areas that are not covered by the national electricity network.Therefore, the use of new and renewable energy sources needs to be developed considering the role and price of fuel oil (BBM) continues to increase and is starting to become difficult to obtain as a substitute for sustainable energy supply. In Indonesia, there are many sago stalks, one of which is in Bengkalis. Sago stalks can be processed into various kinds of preparations ranging from flour to ready-to-eat food. However, the dregs or waste itself is still not used properly, because most people only use it as animal feed. Sago waste has a gas content that is not too large, but by carrying out the fermentation process and adding a mixture of ingredients, sago waste can produce gas that is pressurized enough so that the gas has the potential to turn a turbine on a generator and then produce electrical energy. The output of the generator is then connected to a voltage booster module with 3 ? 32V input and 5 ? 35V output which can be adjusted as needed. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis