Pembangkit Listrik Dengan Katalisator Cairan Pohon Pisang
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Raihan, Nur
452 Teknik Tenaga Elektrik 
2021-05-21 15:56:40 
Abstract :
One of the causes of the energy crisis or the uneven supply of electrical energy for the community is in remote places, especially in the territory of Indonesia. It will be easy to distribute electrical energy in a place that is close to the generator, or in a public place that is easily accessible. However, distribution will be difficult if the location is far and not easily accessible, such as on the coast, especially in remote areas that are not covered by the national electricity network. Therefore, currently many developments in power generation systems are being carried out in an effort to overcome the electrical energy crisis, one of which is the utilization of acid content from banana trees as a source of generation. The use of banana trees as a source of electrical energy can be done using the electrochemical cell method. An electrochemical cell is a device that can generate an electric current from the energy produced by the reaction in the cell, which is an oxidation reduction reaction. With this reduction and oxidation reaction it will produce an electric current which can be called electrical energy. The resulting voltage after testing is capable of 0.57V per cell, if connected between all cells as many as 30 will be able to produce a voltage of 6.78V. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis