Perancangan Alat Monitoring Dan Kontrol Daya Listrik Pada Laboratorium Desain Dan Interface Gedung Elektro Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis Berbasis IoT
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Ramadhan, Wan Dedek Swendi
455 Teknik Kendali (Atau Instrumentasi dan Kontrol) 
2021-10-11 15:32:01 
Abstract :
In the matter of electricity use, users often use electrical devices with large enough power, to save electricity use, the use of electrical resources must be controlled. Therefore, it is necessary to have a system that can help to control the electrical resources in electronic devices in the house. In this research, a system is designed using the Internet of things on the NodeMCU ESP8266 and the Blynk application that can monitor and control electronic devices by displaying power and temperature in the room, activating and deactivating electronic devices, and getting notifications from the DHT11 sensor via a smartphone if the room temperature more than 28 ? or less than 18 ? . From this research, the average power value of the AC load on the PZEM-004T sensor is 675.6 watts and the amperage pliers is 684.8 watts with an error percentage of 1,3 %. The average power lamp load on the sensor is 117 watts and on the ampere pliers is 110.5 watts with an error percentage of 5,8 %. Delay on AC load is 3 seconds and lamp load is 1 second. The average value when sending temperature and humidity data is 5 seconds. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis