Prototype Sistem Penjadwalan Kontrol Aerasi Pada Tambak Udang Otomatis Berbasis Internet Of Things (Iot)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Putra, Genta Perdana
457 Teknik Komputer 
2021-10-12 15:05:00 
Abstract :
In Indonesia, shrimp is one of the mainstay commodities in the fisheries sub-sector which has helped and increased the country's foreign exchange. Therefore, many are interested in cultivating shrimp, one of which is Vanname shrimp, Vanname shrimp or white shrimp, which are considered easier to cultivate and the harvesting process is faster. There are several things that need to be considered in shrimp farming, one of which is aeration, aeration is the addition of air or oxygen in the air by bringing the air into close contact. However, at this time there are still many farmers or shrimp farmers who still use aerators for shrimp ponds manually,therefore a scheduling system for shrimp pond aeration control that can be controlled and monitored via smartphones online is proposed. With this prototype aeration system, it is hoped that it can help shrimp farmers in controlling the aerator in their shrimp ponds. The other goal is to be a learning medium for beginner farmers in regulating the aerator in their shrimp ponds. The results of this study can be obtained that the prototype of the aeration control scheduling system can run according to the schedule and tests that have been previously tested. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis