Aplikasi Perpustakaan MA Al-Huda Desa Kelebuk Berbasis Web
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Sri, Rahayu
458 Teknik Informatika 
2021-10-21 08:53:39 
Abstract :
The MA Al-Huda Kelebuk library at this time is still using manual performance data processing, namely data collection is still handwritten using a ledger starting from registration of new member data, book searching, recording books borrowed or returned, status of information books borrowed or available, condition of books damaged or good, as well as calculating the penalty for late return of books. As a result, librarians have difficulty serving members, while members have to wait for data collection on borrowing/returning books from the librarian. The purpose of this final project is to create a website-based library application to become a well-organized and systematic library. The way this application system works is to input library data such as book data and member data and has features of borrowing and returning books. From the results of trials that have been carried out, it shows that this system has been successfully implemented and is easy to use for officers in managing library data and calculating fines, while for library members it is easier to borrow books and find out the status of books and fines. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis