Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Posyandu Ibu dan Anak Berbasis Website di Desa Penampi Kecamatan Bengkalis
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Nuriani, Arhasina
458 Teknik Informatika 
2021-10-25 13:41:59 
Abstract :
In the implementation of posyandu activities in Penampi Village still uses performance manually, such as registration is still done manually by handwritten so as to cause long queues, recording the results of weighing on the data register of examination results is still done by handwritten so that the data search process becomes difficult, Often there is loss of KMS so that the KMS reading process becomes hampered because it has to search data in a row. l in archives owned by posyandu cadres, the occurrence of repeated writing of the same name on registrant data, and register data, file reports accumulate causing difficulties when searching for data. From these problems, it is proposed that the website-based posyandu application in Penampi Village of Bengkalis Subdistrict to become a well-organized and systematic posyandu. How the application system is made is input posyandu data such as maternal data, pregnant women's data, toddler data and has a clumping feature to convey the news contained in the posyandu. From the results of the trials that have been done, this posyandu application can run well in several browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.This application makes it easier for officers to manage maternal data, pregnant women's data, and toddler data, while for users such as pregnant women and toddler mothers it is easier to see the development of their children every period 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis