Electronic Catalog Pemesanan Eksterior Dengan Metode Extreme Programming Berbasis Android
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Rahman, Heri
458 Teknik Informatika 
2021-10-14 14:54:50 
Abstract :
Exterior is the design of a building on the outside of the building such as doors, windows, roofs and trellises. This exterior design also serves as a supporter of the concept of the building in order to create a beautiful and attractive room and look of the house. The exterior design ordering system in Bengkalis District still uses the conventional way that is to go to the business place directly so that more time and costs are incurred if the distance between consumers and business owners is far away. The purpose of this study was to create an Electronic Catalog of exterior ordering using android-based Extreme Programming methods. The application is built using the PHP Native and React Native programming languages using the Mysql database. This research will produce an exterior booking application that can be used by the Bengkalis community in finding a good place to make exterior reservations for their homes without having to come back to the place of business and can help facilitate the transaction of booking and selling exterior homes. This research was conducted two tests, namely blackbox testing by testing the function on features in web applications and the results are in accordance with the design of the system, then again compability testing by testing how responsive this application when run in various sizes and resolutions of different screens have a responsive display and all the functions on the application run well. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis