Rancang Bangun Alat Pemberi Pakan Dan Pengontrol Ph Air Otomatis Pada Kolam Ikan Lele
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Rahmadanis, Rabiatul
458 Teknik Informatika 
2022-09-28 09:55:53 
Abstract :
Internet of Things is the development of today's internet-based technology which has a concept to expand the benefits of being connected to an internet connection continuously. For example, electronic objects, one of which is the use of ESP NodeMcu. This technology has the ability to provide information automatically. One of the uses of this technological development in the field of fisheries is a pond water monitoring system. In practice, catfish cultivators still carry out conventional monitoring by visiting fish ponds. This affects the time efficiency and work effectiveness of fish farming. In this study, a tool was developed that serves to help monitor, control pond water quality and feed catfish based on the Internet of Things. The tools needed are an acidity (pH) sensor and a servo motor to open the fish feed lid. Data from these sensors is recorded by NodeMCU and then processed into information according to user needs through internet intermediaries automatically. Furthermore, the data can be displayed on various platforms, one of which is the smartphone model. The automation system developed promises to increase success in catfish farming.. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis