Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyiraman Tanaman Cabai Secara Otomatis Berbasis Iot
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Hakim, Irfan
458 Teknik Informatika 
2021-10-14 08:08:34 
Abstract :
The process of growing certain plants requires extra attention, especially in maintaining soil moisture such as chili plants. To care for plants, water is needed for watering. This technology can be used to build a system that functions to treat and water chili plants. This system aims to simplify work or take care of plants because there are still many who water plants manually. Therefore, it is necessary to build an automatic plant watering system that can make it easier to care for plants, this allows the results of soil moisture to be sent to the android application. using the ESP8266 NodeMCU Wifi Module which is displayed through the Android Application to carry out maintenance on chili plants. The results of the research of humidity <= 30%-55% RH then the water pump will turn on to flush automatically and if the humidity is above => 56%RH then the system detects sufficient humidity and the relay will turn off. It is hoped that after this research, it is hoped that it will be very helpful and make it easier for ornamental plant lovers to care for these ornamental plants. Based on the test, it can be seen that changes in soil moisture are moist and not moist, which indicates that the microcontroller and humidity sensor are working properly. The microcontroller starts sending hazard data to the data because the humidity has reached the humidity point =<40% or >= 41% is not humid. The microcontroller will send humidity information messages to websites and applications in the form of ?humidity (detected humidity) RH Condition. Get a Soil Moisture Sensor Key that can be used properly and as expected by the user. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis