Pembuatan Sistem Kontrol Tekanan Otomatis Boiler Pada Destilasi Serai Wangi Berbasis Arduino Atmega 2560
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Ikhsan, Fakhrul
431 Teknik Mesin (dan Ilmu Permesinan Lain) 
2021-10-14 08:17:52 
Abstract :
One of the tools used in the process of making citronella oil is a boiler. Boilers have an important role, namely as a source of steam, where the steam is useful for heating citronella so that it can produce citronella oil. Steam in the boiler must be controlled in order to produce quality oil, therefore in this study a tool has been created that aims to control the steam pressure in the boiler automatically, this tool consists of several components, namely a pressure transmitter sensor as a vapor pressure reader sensor, a servo motor as the opening and closing of the safety valve on the boiler, Arduino Atmega 2560 as a microcontroller to regulate all components in the control system, and Lcd as a display of the condition of the pressure transmitter sensor. The working principle of this tool is that when the steam pressure in the boiler exceeds the maximum limit of 30.05 Psi, the tool will open the safety valve and release steam, then the tool will close the safety valve again when the steam pressure reaches a minimum limit of 29.07 Psi. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis