Pengaruh Curing Air Laut Pada Beton F’c 25 Mpa Menggunakan Jmf 7656:2012 Terhadap Nilai Kuat Tekannya
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Irwan, M.
421 Teknik Sipil 
2021-10-15 08:18:50 
Abstract :
In the process of making buildings that contract directly with sea water, sometimes it is unavoidable Seawater itself has a high salt content which can undermine the strength of the durability of concrete. This is because the chloride (CI) in seawater is a salt which is aggressive towards other materials, including concrete. Concrete exposed to the influence of seawater and fresh water with the job mix formula method. This research aims to determine the reaction of the compressive strength of concrete to seawater and fresh water The sample used was a cylinder with a diameter of 15 em and a height of 30 cm, with a quality offe 25 MPa, each treatment using five test objects, treatment by immersing the test object in seawater and fresh water for 7, 14, 21, and 28 day Testing the compressive strength using a compression testing machine The results showed that the compressive strength of concrete was the highest in the comparison of the compressive strength of fresh water and seawater concrete at the age of 28 days, namely 59 15Apa for the compressive strength of captive water and 77 39 Mpa for the compressive strength of seawater. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis